Archived entries for Lessons


FaceoffI don’t know why, but when I think about deceptions, Zidane’s comments in an article I read several years back come to mind. For those who don’t know Zidane, he’s one of the great soccer players of our time, he not only has a great technique, but also excels at thinking ahead of the game and making awesome passes.

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Follow the ball!

Salome1999rafalolbinskiI guess we human beings cannot act on thin air, so we make constructs that help us make those decisions; especially, when prices have only a one dimensional movement – they either go up or down.

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The coin toss

Coin_jmo2079l_2Let’s say you toss a coin – you know nothing about the direction of the markets; heads you buy, tails you’re short. Let’s add that you will place a stop order 2% away from the transaction price to bail you out of the trade, as well as a limit order to take profits 6% away from that same entry price.

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The big picture

Viewer2_1Again, the concept of speculator or observer is relevant.

It’s common sense to observe and understand the big picture before the specifics; hence, an understanding of the current economy and the direction of the markets precedes analyzing a particular stock or future.

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I lost $10,000 today!

Pain_1My God, I can’t believe it;

I’ve lost 10 gees today!

What happened? I just couldn’t believe it. I’d been frozen, I literally
couldn’t move, less pickup the phone and call my broker… Impossible to
recognize the loss myself – less to another person the hole I’d dug myself
into; admit the loss, never…

Tomorrow will be a better day, it’ll come back…

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Baby steps…

Ok, let’s give it a try!

I’ll try to convey in this weblog what I’ve learned and what I’m doing. As the title of my weblog suggests, it will Tango around trading, —mostly futures, but not exclusively.

I’ve been trading for a few years, started the hard way, trading futures; I’ve lost a lot, gained some…

Of course, everybody is welcome to post their comments!

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